Open-source G4SEE v0.5 was released!

The new version of the G4SEE toolkit, v0.5 was just released and made fully open-source! From now on, the source code and Docker images of the toolkit are freely and publicly accessible via CERN GitLab under a general GPL v3 license for all the users.

If you are interested in beta testing or contributing to G4SEE, please contact us!

Open-access G4SEE paper has been published in IEEE TNS!

The first, open-access G4SEE paper has been published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (see link below). Please cite this publication when using the G4SEE toolkit:

D. Lucsányi, R. García Alía, K. Biłko, M. Cecchetto, S. Fiore and E. Pirovano, “G4SEE: a Geant4-based Single Event Effect simulation toolkit and its validation through monoenergetic neutron measurements,” in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 273-281, March 2022, DOI:10.1109/TNS.2022.3149989.